Days of Action
YES Kirriemuir are active in the community. With themed days of action we have a visible presence on the street, meeting with local people and discussing the big issues around Scottish Independence.
Recent activities have included:
- 12 hour Vigil in the Square to mark the exit of the UK from the EU.
- Street stall to highlight the start of campaigning for IndyRef2 with music from talented local musicians
Leafleting Campaigns
Door to door leaflet campaigns help get the answers to common questions out to the public and encourage discussion and learning. Yes Kirriemuir design and develop the content for our own leaflets – this allows us to address the questions and concerns of our own local community.

Both online and in real time Yes Kirriemuir are active in creating public events and forums to help build informed discussion around the big questions regarding Scottish Independence. We publish a calendar of events for upcoming activities.
Past events have included:
- Discussion with Common Weal regarding Understanding the DeHont Voting System – hosted online Zoom
- An evening of traditional tunes and good discussion – hosted in the Gairie Inn, Kirriemuir